What Makes Treatment for Addiction Effective?

Effective treatment for addiction is not just about addressing the drug abuse, but also the individual's medical, psychological, social, vocational and legal issues. Detoxification at home without professional help is not only ineffective but also dangerous. Professional treatment is always recommended to ensure that the patient has access to emergency medical care, medications to relieve withdrawal symptoms and therapeutic support. Building positive relationships with other people in recovery can be challenging at first, but with regular attendance at 12-step meetings and other support groups, these connections are usually authentic and happen spontaneously.

Customers are encouraged to share their personal experiences at these meetings, go out for coffee afterwards with groups and talk to people during breaks, as well as exchange phone numbers for support. It is important to continue to actively seek health and wellness through therapy and meet with a doctor regularly if taking medication for mental health symptoms is a necessity for continued stability in recovery. A 30-day treatment program is not designed to serve as a comprehensive lifelong treatment for ongoing symptoms.

Learning how to manage symptoms begins during drug addiction treatment

, but lifelong healing occurs through ongoing comprehensive care.

Experts have compiled a comprehensive list of 11 effective treatment indicators to guide individuals or their loved ones to high-quality addiction treatment, maximizing the success of recovery. Clinical experience is the essential criterion that improves treatment outcomes universally. Evidence-based practices cannot be implemented correctly without clinical experience. Physicians must be certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine and counselors and therapists with higher education degrees are better able to apply evidence-based practices.

Behavioral therapies are among NIDA's principles for effective treatment, in particular cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). There are countless forms of psychotherapy, but CBT is a widespread and research-validated technique. Medication may be prescribed during drug addiction treatment to help reduce craving and relapse, control drug withdrawal symptoms or treat underlying conditions that may be contributing to addiction. Psychotherapy works by helping people change their behaviors and replace old and unhealthy actions with newer actions that are more positive in nature.

With progressive stages of rehabilitation, addicts are responsible and treatment plans can be designed to meet their specific needs. Traditional treatment approaches are derived from the multidisciplinary treatment of chronic mental illnesses and the Alcoholics Anonymous peer support program. Short treatment programs of 21 to 28 days are not long enough to assess and address co-occurring disorders unless it is clear that these disorders preceded the fight against addiction. Most addiction treatment providers are not well equipped to provide a full range of effective treatments that lack scientific knowledge, proper skills, and medical credentials.

Scientific research is currently underway, establishing evidence-based practices for addiction treatment. There should be a variety of support options available for family members as well as those being treated for drug addiction. Evidence-based practices in addiction treatment vary for each individual, their situation, and their substance of abuse.

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